Are You Using Energy Efficiently in Lansing or East Lansing, MI?

Hire our mechanical contractors to assess your commercial energy usage

You use a lot of energy at your public facility. T.H. Eifert Mechanical Contractors LLC can monitor exactly how much energy you use and outfit your property with energy-efficient equipment. We provide:

  • Energy Savings Assessments
  • Heating and cooling preventive maintenance
  • Industrial plumbing service
  • Boiler repair and maintenance
  • Industrial piping work
  • Wastewater service
  • Building automation system maintenance
  • Continuous Commissioning

To keep your equipment operating correctly, we offer preventive maintenance programs for each of these services. You can trust us to keep your business running smoothly while you conserve energy.

Call 517-484-9944 now so we can evaluate your energy performance in Lansing, Michigan.

Set energy goals and stick to them

Once T.H. Eifert has evaluated your energy usage, we’ll help you set conservation goals and install new energy-efficient equipment if needed. We can install:

  • High-efficiency HVAC systems
  • CO2 sensors
  • Waterless or low-flush urinals
  • Low-flush water closets
  • Motion-sensor faucets
  • Enhanced building automation systems

Our plumbing and HVAC contractors can also calculate payback schedules to see how much money and energy you’ll be saving. If your boiler needs to be tuned up, we can do that, too. We’ll also conduct preventive maintenance on your systems so they continue to perform properly.

Count on us to make your business greener. Contact us today to learn more about our energy performance testing in Lansing, Michigan.